Online dating offers wonderful opportunities to meet and fall in love however, it's important to keep a few things in mind:

1. Watch out for someone who seems too good to be true and be on the look out for inconsistencies.

2. Guard your anonymity. Don't rush into giving your personal information right away.

3. Any suitor must earn your trust gradually. Take all the time you need to become comfortable with someone before revealing any personal contact information.

4. Ask for more than one photo, preferably in a variety of settings - casual, formal, indoor and outdoor.

5. If you're not given a solid contact number, if you have to page a person to call you back or if you can only call during certain hours, this is not a good sign.

6. Consider it suspicious if someone you barely know asks you for financial assistance. Avoid getting into financial trouble by following a simple rule: don't lend or borrow money.

7. Always trust your instincts and exercise caution and common sense.