
Tag: bios

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  1. What is BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)

    Started by sherlyk, 03-26-2014 06:58 AM
    amibios, bios, bios drivers, cmos, input/output system, phoenix, rom bios, system bios
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,590
    Last Post: 03-26-2014 06:58 AM
    by sherlyk  Go to last post
  2. 10 Server Tools Your Organization Needs

    Started by sherlyk, 11-12-2013 04:30 PM
    administrator tool, adp, analysis program, apache, apache umbrella, asf, automation arsenal, automation tools, bios, citrix, database, dns, domino's pizza, download, eclipse, ericsson, hardware, http server, ibm, ide, ip address, ip plan, it professionals, java development tool, kvm, linux system, microsoft, microsoft provides, nagios, network, presentation program, pstools, security information, server tools, sharenum, spreadsheet, topology, u.s. army, unix, web server, webmin, wells fargo, windows, windows diagnostic, windows tools, wireshark, word processor
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,902
    Last Post: 11-12-2013 04:30 PM
    by sherlyk  Go to last post
  3. Basic Linux security

    Started by sherlyk, 07-03-2013 05:31 AM
    abuse act, aide, application, arp spoofing, atp, attacker, bios, bridges, computer crimes, computer fraud, computer networking, computer security, console passwords, control user, data encryptions, default password, disable unwanted service, dns spoofing., dos, enabled encryption, firewall, icmpinfo, internet, ip spoofing, klaxon, linux security, local users, network hardware, network monitoring tools, passwords, routers, scan-detector, scanners, securing workstation, security tools, switches, tamu, tcp, telephone system, tripwire, trojan horses, user, virus detectors, viruses, worms
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,346
    Last Post: 07-03-2013 05:31 AM
    by sherlyk  Go to last post
Results 1 to 3 of 3