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Thread: Spread Vegetarianism

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default Spread Vegetarianism

    Spread the golden rules of vegetarianism and be nature friendly. Get the meats out of kitchens and most of the diseases out of the body.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    the idea has merit...and while we are at it we need to get rid of DAIRY!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    If everybody in the world became vegetarian, earths ecosystem will suffer, many species will die out.
    Besides being a vegetarian IS NOT NATURAL, so dont pretend it is, more health problems occur when you arnt getting the nutrients that would be available in meats, then you have to start popping pills.
    Humans only still exist because our ancestors had access to meat from other animals, it is the natural and logical thing to do.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Thats true that it isn't exactly natural, if natural is what your looking for though then it'd be in your best interest to stop eating everything that you eat that is processed, or uses sucrolose, or aspartame, or any artificial flavorings, or colorings. Which, would pretty much restrict you to mostly vegetarian fare anyways, and whatever you aquire organically.

    Also its very unlikely that everyone in the world will become vegetarian. But that doesn't mean that you yourself can't make the switch. I don't see how ecosystems will suffer and species will die out, in the factory farm industry there is a gigantic amount of fecal matter and wastes that are produced by animals per day, considering that around 8 billion animals are killed per year alone in the united states for food. Also because of our need for meat many people in the amazon forest area take to clear cutting to obtain space so they can farm for the united states. If anything by cutting out meat it will help to sustain the ecosystems.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Yes, vegetarianism is excellent for ourselves, the environment, and (obviously) the animals. Meat has extremely high amounts of chemicals, and fish contains unsafe levels of mercury, the second deadliest poison known to man. The slaughtering process isn't exactly the cleanest, most ethical way either. So, think about how much better you will feel if you stop eating meat!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Vegetarians are retards. You cannot get the proper balanced diet by fruits and vegitables alone. You would still at a minimum need to drink milk and eat eggs to get close, which would still make you not a true vegetarian then.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default eating non veg

    spreading vegetarianism is good for us and for other animals.'"Eating only vegetables is enough for humans' health ", according to naturalists . But it is very difficult to put in to practice. Study conducted reveals that almost all non vegetarians who stopped non veg in between returns to non veg after a short interval of time.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Meat Lover

    Sorry.... :roll: , but the thought of going without my greasy pork chop scares me. I live on a large farm in Kentucky, and raise horses, beef, and pork. There is nothing dirty about cattle or hogs. Vegetables that are bought in supermarkets scare me. Plus, there is nothing unhealthy about this country girl..... Tall: 5'9. Weight: 140, and healthier than a horse.

    MMMmmmm good: pork chop, bowl of soup beans, and corn bread nothing better.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    I love, Eating Meet.


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