hello bros

i get this on net and its working. and u can also try this.

Free Rapidshare account and to earn money
Yes bros this really works
I am trying to get one for me. mention me as referer and i will get extra points. u can also suggest this to others and when they will mention u as referer u will get points.

Just follow these steps

1)Skip this step if u already own a paypal account
Go to
Code:https://www.paypal.com/and sign up.
Create a paypal premier account (this is for free)

When asked to give credit card details click on CANCEL.In bangladesh paypal system is unavalable.so u can eassily use false information.paypal provie 190 country support.use a false address to open a account.r jodi false address dorkar hoi.ask me.

now go to

and register
