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Thread: SMS Collection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Talking SMS Collection

    Good Morning SMS

    Opportunities & right people are like sunrise.They are there every day BUT IF YOU wait too long to wake up, You are going to miss them. ". Good Morning..
    ************************************************** ***********************************************
    A Morning is a Wonderful Blessing, Either Cloudy or Sunny.
    It stands for Hope, giving us another start of what we call Life.
    Have a Good Morning & Day
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    "LIFE &TIME are the world's best two teachers.LIFE teaches us the use of TIME & TIME teaches us the value of LIFE..
    GOooood morning.... Hav a wonderful day !!
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    The SUN & ME Waiting to see your beautyful SMILE. So, Get up fast, BRUSH ur teeth & Then say E....HI.......HI....
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    I know u r thinking where r the SUN&RAM's.

    We r on the way Dear just waiting 4me &sun.

    "The best place to find a helping hands is at the end of your arms"A very good Morning.
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    Thousands of languages around this world, only "SMILE" can speak them all. Bcoz SMILE is the language even a baby can talk. So Keep smiling. Good morning..
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    let this wonderful morning bring you active, freshness,success confidence,liveliness and god's grace....
    good morning:)
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    Every day,
    Every where,
    Every time,
    I may not b with u but
    my thinking,
    my care,
    my msgs,
    my prayers,
    my lovely wishes will b always with u..
    GUD MRNG!!
    ************************************************** ***********************************************
    Knock!Knock!!!May I cum in2 ur world???I hav bought no flowers,no cakes,but wishes 2 keep u fresh,prayer 2 keep u healthy & safe & luv 2 keep u smiling...GUD MORNING
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    Morning beauty with cool and soft breeze
    are reminders that Allah loves You.
    So you should enjoy the day and
    make you day a memorable and lovable day!
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    Hi to Sweet Person
    who passed Sweet Night with a Sweet Dream,
    Now want to pass Sweet Day with Sweet talk,
    Have a Sweet DAY,
    Have a Sweet MORNING!!!
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    An ideal day should begin
    with a cute little yawn on your face!
    A cup of coffee in your hand
    And a message from me on your mobile!!!
    Hope you have had all the three!!!
    Good Morning….
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    Now SUN is HAPPY and
    MOON is Upset
    MOON is Missing you and
    SUN is with you
    Have a Great and
    lovely day
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    Every friend can say i can understand ur feelings but a true friend will always say i can feel ur feeling that is the true love of a true friend ...Gud Mrng!!
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    If u wait for a happy moment u'll wait forever..
    But if u start believing that u r happy, u'll b happy forever..
    Always stay happy!! Gud morning!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    Once in life do fall in love,
    not necessarily with a person
    but with an idea
    a dream
    an ambition!
    More often it'll b a reason to wake up with a smile..
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    Every beautiful is not alwayz good, but every good is alwayz beautiful.
    Being important is not alwayz good, but being good is alwyz important. GOOD MORNING
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    Deep Emotions Come Out 4m d Heart,
    Bt ThE Deepest Emotions Come Out From ThE Eyes As TEARS. Bt v Should Show It Only For Those Who Worth It. Good morining......r
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    Life doesn't make u or break u..
    Its our own mentality that decides..
    "never hesitate,
    never feel low,
    wear a smile n steal d show" :-) gud mrg
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    "For every Success of a person there will b a Countless Pain in his Heart
    And that Pain makes him a Successful Person in Life"
    good morning... Hav a nice day !!
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    "Only two persons r happy in this world...First is Mad and Second is Child...Be a Mad to Achieve what U desire & Be a Child to Enjoy What U Have." Good Morning
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    B-egin ur day with
    L-ove in ur heart...
    E-ver Smiling...
    S-hare goodness
    S-hine like d sun
    I-nspire some1...
    N-ever 4get that
    G-OD is with U. Gud mrng...
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    "MORNING"is a good time to "REMEMBER"
    all the sweet things &
    all sweet persons in your "LIFE"
    so wake up with "SWEET SMILE"
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    Very little is needed2have a happy Life.
    it is all within urself.
    in ur ways of thinkng.
    No matter what u do,
    do it with L0VE in ur HEART...
    Gud morring ..
    ************************************************** **********************************************
    Its True-
    All d water in d ocean could never sink a ship unles it gets inside.
    All d pressures of life can never hurt u unless u let them in! Good mrng. . . Hav a gud day
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    All of your dreams cannot be translated into reality.
    But they can act as a foundation stone of ur glorious future.
    Build ur future as u like. Gm

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    If I had one gift that I could give you, my friend, it would be the ability to see yourself as others see you, because only then would you know how extremely special you are."

    " Do not count what u have lost. just see what u have now, because p
    ast never comes back but sometimes future can give u back ur lost things! 'good night'.

    If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't jump with them, I'd be at the bottom to catch them.

    Saying gudnite is not just putting an end to a day.Its a way of saying , I remember u before i go 2 sleep.
    Hope u can fel the care that goes with it.

    dreams visit us when we are asleep. But commitment wakes us up each day and give us every chance to make our DREAMS come true. ! Good Morning . Have a nice day

    Introduction is possible anytime,Love is possible sometime.Marriage is possible one time,but a sweet friend like u is possible once in a lifetime

    "The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares. "

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