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Thread: How to save space

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Default How to save space

    Homes can have a very cramped appearance if the space is not utilized well. Rooms may appear smaller than their actual size, if the space is not used well. By making appropriate and meaningful use of the space in your home, you can give your home an organized and spacious appearance.

    Do not stock your house with too much of furniture. Keep the furniture minimum and have only furniture that you need. Discard furniture that is very old, rather than letting it lie around the house. Use a compact furniture or a multi purpose furniture so that your needs can be taken care of and there is no unnecessary piling of furniture.

    Use the new portable style of tables or tables that can hang on the wall and can be suspended parallel to the floor when needed. Use the flexible kind of furniture. For example, a sofa set that can be converted into a bed. By doing this, you will save the floor space utilized by keeping these two items separately.

    Use a compact furniture for storing all your items. Use a wardrobe having many compartments and an attached mirror, so that you can fit in all your clothes, accessories, make up articles etc in the wardrobe. Attach a full-length mirror to it, so that you will not have to hang a mirror separately in the wall. Keep a separate drawer under the wardrobe where you can keep all your shoes.

    Make use of the space beneath the bed to stock items that are used once in while. You can also utilize the space near the ceiling and make small lofts to hold sundry items, decorations or household articles that are not required for daily use.

    You can avail the services of an interior designer too so that you can get ideas about how to utilize the floor space well. Their professional ideas can help to give your house a neat, organized and spacious look.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    I don't really need more space what I need is less furniture and I need to get rid of the old junk. My husband is a pack rat and he wont get rid of anything.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    I'll try to remember it and when I come home, I'll try

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