Actor Farhan Akhtar, who plays legendary sportsman Milkha Singh in Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra’s Bhaag Milkha Bhaag, says it was a huge responsibility to take up the iconic role and he has not tried to mimic the sprinter. “To do a role like this you have to interpret the character as you don’t want to go into impersonation of somebody or do mimicry act. You have to make the character your own for that you have to start becoming that person. I did focus on this aspect,” Farhan told PTI in an exclusive interview here.
Also, while working on this mega project, Farhan met the Flying Singh and observed him closely.
“I had couple of meetings with him where I just heard him speak about his life and did not want to ask him any specific questions. To hear someone talk about their life – you get to know the way their eyes moisten up, how big the smile is or how comfortable their body language is while talking to someone. So that is how you pick up things and you focus on when you act,” he said.
“To do this character was a serious responsibility as that is the big thing. To say whether it was difficult or easy is subjective because when you are excited about something no matter how hard it is it becomes fun and easy. There was a huge responsibility to play Milkhaji,” Farhan said.
Considering, the film is a biopic on the sportsman, so most of the creative inputs mainly came from him and the writers to which Farhan was not privy.
To look the part, Farhan built an admirable athletic body besides long hair and beard pushing himself beyond limitations.
He has been religiously following a fitness regime that athletes follow for two years. He has reportedly been through various training sessions, which only sport-persons undergo.
The actor-filmmaker insists that when Milkha Singh will watch this film he will feel proud as they have stood by his philosophy to push oneself, work against almost all odds and achieve the kind of status that he has, in the film.
The film also stars Sonam Kapoor and the makers are looking for a July 12 release this year.
Meanwhile, the 39-year-old has been roped as the brand ambassador by electronics maker Intex Technologies for its range of smartphones.
Farhan is a gadget freak and his work keeps him heavily dependent on technology.
“As filmmaking involves lot of technology. So fortunately because of that you have to stay interested, try and stay ahead of everything as it is beneficial,” he said.

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Keywords:Farhan Akhtar,legendary sportsman, Milkha Singh ,Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra, Bhaag Milkha Bhaag,sprinter, mimicry act, PTI , Flying Singh, sportsman,actor-filmmaker , philosophy, Sonam Kapoor, brand ambassador, electronics maker, Intex Technologies, smartphones,Hindi film news