1.Spider Plants:
These are best hanging plants. The white and green striped plants are fast growing low watering plants. They do not require too much soil and can grown even in containers. Even a less sunlight place is enough for their photosynthesis.

The flowering plant looks spiky and attractive. Also called Bromeliaceae, the plant demands good sunlight but indirect. It can be kept in a cool place so that the water doesn’t get evoporated at the faster rate. Watering can be done once in two weeks and a well drained soil can keep it healthy and evergreen.

3.Madagascar Dragon Tree:
The famous ‘Dracaena Marginata’ is long stemmed plant. It is space filling and is very similar to cacti. They are drought tolerant and can survive even if you didn’t water it for weeks. The soil needs to be porus and loose. It can be potted or directly planted on soil.

Plants like living rock, rat’s tail, bishop’s cap are all the best low watering plants. The plants can survive for weeks without water and can be placed indoor or outdoor. They like bright sunlight as well as in damp place. These plants can be potted or even placed in the terrariums.

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Keywords: Spider Plants, low watering plants, photosynthesis,Bromeliad,flowering plant , spiky , attractive, Bromeliaceae,Madagascar Dragon Tree,Dracaena Marginata, soil ,Cactus,indoor,outdoor, sunlight ,terrariums