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Thread: 10 Best Weapons in FPS Games

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default 10 Best Weapons in FPS Games

    If gaming was a five course meal, FPS games would definitely be the dessert; it doesn’t matter how full you are, you’ve always got room for some! And if all this talk about food didn’t help you build an appetite (for destruction!), my list of the sweetest weapons (in FPS games) definitely should…

    Mauser Karabiner 98 Kurz (K98k)
    Game - Day of Defeat: Source

    This World War II gun might be a relic in real life, but if you’d see the way it plays in DoD: Source. You’d scream with joy! This gun follows the 'one shot one kill' mantra, wherein each bullet is certain to kill your foe (unless it hits his limbs). Although the re-fire rate of this gun is rather low (you can shoot one shot per 1.5 seconds), its incredible accuracy more than makes up for it.

    Shrink Ray
    Game - Duke Nukem 3D

    As the name suggests, the Shrink Ray helps shrink your foes in the game. After you’ve downsized them, you can introduce them to the underside of your heavy boot and watch them go squish. Also, if you want to have some more fun with them, you can always chase them around in their reduced size.

    Stake Gun
    Game - Painkiller

    If you like Pin-Up Girls much, wait till you see the Pin-Up Monsters this gun gives you. It shoots out stakes (pointed wooden sticks) that allow you to impale your enemies, and pin them against walls. While I was playing Painkiller, I’d actually spend hours just pinning up hordes of monsters, trying to create my own work of art. The results weren’t too artistic, but the process of making it was fun as hell!

    Game - Unreal Tournament 2004

    If every kid had a Redeemer, the world would be a rather under-populated place. This gun basically lets you shoot a mini-nuke that you could control in first person. Once the rocket detonates, it obliterates everything in its surrounding area. Trust me, there’s no better feeling than exploding one amidst a large number of opponents in a UT2k4 death match.

    Gravity Gun (fully pimped)
    Game - Half Life 2

    The Zero-Point Energy Field Manipulation Gun (a.k.a Gravity Gun) has a miniature gravity field of its own, that allows you to pick-up and throw heavy objects. In the single player campaign of Half Life 2, you come across a detention field which pimps out your Gravity Gun, making it extremely powerful. After that, you can pick up and throw your foes around like they’re made of paper. This is a lot of fun in Half-Life 2, since the game had some brilliant rag-doll physics.

    Type-7 Particle Weapon
    Game - F.E.A.R. Combat

    When a round from this experimental weapon even scrapes your opponent, their flesh gets burnt to a pile of ash instantly, leaving a charred skeleton behind. The gun is extremely lethal in the hands of anyone who can shoot well, so beware of anyone yielding it. If you line up your shot well, you can actually kill more than one enemy per shot with this baby!

    SBS Cannon
    Game - Serious Sam

    The SBS Cannon rolls out a huge depleted-uranium filled Cannonball that rolls over anything in its path, after which it explodes. With the crazy amount of cannon fodder the game throws at you, you’ll begin to love the destructive power of this weapon in no time. You can actually take down more than a hundred opponents with just one round from this gun!

    Land Shark Gun
    Game - Armed and Dangerous

    This gun is one of the most outrageous weapons I’ve seen to date. It shoots a shark that sticks its head out of the ground, and eats any and all enemies in the vicinity. It is really amusing to watch the shark as you unleash it on your unsuspecting foes. The ammunition you get for this gun is very limited though, so I suggest that you preserve it for an emergency.

    Chainsaw Bayonet
    Game - Gears of War

    The standard assault rifle that you get in Gears of War comes attached with a Chainsaw Bayonet. Although this weapon is supposed to be used as backup, a lot of gamers like using it as the first resort. I don’t blame them, the results of chain-sawing someone is enough to make any gore hound happy. You actually split your enemy up into two, after which the screen fills up with their blood. Tasty!

    Rail Gun
    Game - Quake III Arena

    The rail gun fires a super-heated shard of uranium that kills anything it touches. The gun can be used as a sniper rifle, but its meant to be used in close quarters. If you have the extremely twitchy reflexes this game requires, you’ll be quite successful in slaughtering your foes in a multiplayer bout using this baby.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    great i will try to find these items

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    Im always for the BFG 9000 in the origanal DOOM. :D

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    Oooh there are days that I wish that I had a Chainsaw Bayonet... Especially during traffic, when idiots don't know how to drive

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Lol ima have to stick with the old AWP hahahaha

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Minh khong hieu gi het

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Gewerth, best weapon COD

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    BFG 9000 (doom) and AWP (CS) FTW ^^

    or maybe reedemer un UT 2004 :)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    nICE ! good Games Thx .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    You must have never played Perfect Dark#1, the Far-Sight, Pwns!

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