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Thread: Can I temporarily suspend registrations?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Can I temporarily suspend registrations?

    Is it possible for me to suspend registrations temporarily? At least through the holidays, that is. I have been getting an average of 25 phony spam registrations DAILY and I am really getting sick and tired of having to constantly monitor so closely in order to keep porn, drug and other trash registrations off of my forum site. Any assistance from our BizHat Mods would be MOST greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Same problem. I get hammered everyday.

    Any Idea's ????? Anyone ????

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by JDSPINNERS
    Same problem. I get hammered everyday.

    Any Idea's ????? Anyone ????
    Anyone interested in learning about this spam and what you can do about it go to:

    Together we can put an end to it.

    The only way I could find to suspend registration is to go to ban control and ban all email addresses:
    etc, etc, etc.

    I couldn't get *@*.* to work, you might try it though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Great Idea Jimmy, Thank You !!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Re: Can I temporarily suspend registrations?

    Quote Originally Posted by ladyinthemists
    Is it possible for me to suspend registrations temporarily? At least through the holidays, that is. I have been getting an average of 25 phony spam registrations DAILY and I am really getting sick and tired of having to constantly monitor so closely in order to keep porn, drug and other trash registrations off of my forum site. Any assistance from our BizHat Mods would be MOST greatly appreciated! Thanks!
    Last May A friend had a problem with Child Protective Services. Come to find out many people have problems with them for no fault of their own. We decided to start a forum and hopefully a movement for grandparents of Georgia and maybe the nation.

    In August we started a forum here and had problems immediately. The on site avatars do not work, still don't. Our new members, and ourselves, could not post links to important information or even an email address to contact us, for 5 days and 5 posts. We wanted a forum without ads, so I emailed Bizhat for an ad free forum (total 6 emails) and still have not heard back from them.

    Just as our momentum was building and our site growing, the profile spam started coming in. This was about the time we had grandparents and state agency personnel looking at the site. It really looks good for a site dealing with children's issues and trying to reform a state agency to have links to pornography, drugs and gambling on it.

    Things got so out of hand I was spending my on line time deleting profiles and not on the issue that I started the forum to deal with. I finally banned all email addresses to stop the spam, but no one else can join my forum.

    Now, about 5 months later, our forum is all but dead and our momentum is gone. We're tired of dealing with the spam and trying to keep pornography, drugs, gambling and links to sites with viruses off of the forum. What was once a cause with energy and a momentum is almost dead.

    I found a hosting company to move my personal sites to that provides these discussion forums as a part of their package. I have set up 3 of them and for the past 2 months have gotten no spam at all on them. The problem is that I can find no one who can tell me how to move the posts that I have on the board here at Bizhat.

    My advice, If you possibly can, move to another forum site now before you invest your time and energy into something that cannot be moved, and will likely become more of a pain in the ass than anything else.

    Check it out thoroughly to see how they deal with spam and other issues that will concern your needs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Last May A friend had a problem with Child Protective Services. Come to find out many people have problems with them for no fault of their own. We decided to start a forum and hopefully a movement for grandparents of Georgia and maybe the nation.

    In August we started a forum here and had problems immediately. The on site avatars do not work, still don't. Our new members, and ourselves, could not post links to important information or even an email address to contact us, for 5 days and 5 posts. We wanted a forum without ads, so I emailed Bizhat for an ad free forum (total 6 emails) and still have not heard back from them.

    Just as our momentum was building and our site growing, the profile spam started coming in. This was about the time we had grandparents and state agency personnel looking at the site. It really looks good for a site dealing with children's issues and trying to reform a state agency to have links to pornography, drugs and gambling on it.

    Things got so out of hand I was spending my on line time deleting profiles and not on the issue that I started the forum to deal with. I finally banned all email addresses to stop the spam, but no one else can join my forum.

    Now, about 5 months later, our forum is all but dead and our momentum is gone. We're tired of dealing with the spam and trying to keep pornography, drugs, gambling and links to sites with viruses off of the forum. What was once a cause with energy and a momentum is almost dead.

    I found a hosting company to move my personal sites to that provides these discussion forums as a part of their package. I have set up 3 of them and for the past 2 months have gotten no spam at all on them. The problem is that I can find no one who can tell me how to move the posts that I have on the board here at Bizhat.

    My advice, If you possibly can, move to another forum site now before you invest your time and energy into something that cannot be moved, and will likely become more of a pain in the ass than anything else.

    Check it out thoroughly to see how they deal with spam and other issues that will concern your needs.

    There are forums that do not have these problems.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    That's a shame Jimmy, Hope you can work it all out. I have noticed that Bizhat does not offer very good service. Being free is no excuse. If their service was better, or they would offer different packages, I would certainly be willing to pay for extra options. I did on another forum prior to this. :?

    Thank you for your post. My forum is private and people cannot join without my concent so the email ban is perfect. :)


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