-If your hair is oily and you have no time to wash it put some baby powder in it.

-Do not exfoilate everyday.

-After you apply fondation, liquid or powder take a kleenex and run it over your face to get a more matte look and not so much dollish or powder-y.

-Put a little cream on before your put your powder make up on so it has something to cling on to.

-Don't touch your face often the oils from your hands can cause pimples after build up.

-For your hair to look fresh and not dry, take some conditioner and put it in your hand (about the size of a PEA) and rub it around in your hands. Simply scrunch the tips of your hair ONLY.

-Cold cucumbers can ruduce swelling or puffy eyes in the morning.

-Put eyeliner mostly on the corner part of your eye, this makes your eye look larger.

-Apply eyeliner on the wet part of your eye (under your eye) NOT UNDER YOUR EYELASHES.

-Smooth out your eyeliner with a q-tip or finger to make the line look less harsh and MORE naturel.

-Apply lip gloss in the middle of your lower lip and then a little every where else smoosh your lips together. This makes your lips look larger.

-Mascara makes your eyes look larger.

-Take those little brushes that you get in make up kit, thats like a comb and after you apply your mascara brush out the clumps.

-If you have light coloured eye lashes go for a light mascara or clear.

-If your skin is oily and you need a quick fix get oil absorbing sheets or take your compact and brush a clean sweap of powder over the oily areas.