You need three things to create a successful startup:

* Start with good people.
* Make something customers actually want.
* Spend as little money as possible.

Most startups that fail do it because they fail at one of these. A startup that does all three will probably succeed.

What counts is not how many new opportunities you have but how many you make happen.

* 1st STEP: Business starts with an idea.
Whether the IDEA is original, borrowed, or bought, the IDEA is the heart of any business through all stages if its life. If there's no idea, there's no business.
The IDEA is what will keep you fired up, and give you pride. Plus, the IDEA is the most fun part of business. So go with an IDEA you can get excited about.
We helps you to turn your idea into a real biz, regardless whether you or somebody else discovers it.
Look around having in mind some new idea or opportunity. Are there any similar businesses to the ones you want to create? If not, that should tell you something. Maybe your ideas are so cutting-edge that no one else has thought of them. That may be good later on, once you know how to start and run a new business, but the beginning of your journey isn't a good place to boldly go where no entrepreneur has gone before. Now is not the time to lead; it's the time to learn from others. See our free FORUM to learn how.

* 2nd STEP: Name it
You will need a fitting name, one people will remember. Don't rely on what your family and friends say about your name ideas. Instead, rely on honest and unbiased feedback.

* 3rd STEP: Plan it
If you don't know where your business is going, you sure won't get there. So before you invest your time, money and sanity, think through in detail what the business will do, what obstacles you will face, how much money it will take, and what you will make. Mapping out your business plan on paper will help you see the real picture. And a biz plan is a "must have" if you will be courting investors or lenders.

* 4th STEP: Legal Set up
There are legal and governmental things you've got to know about and deal with. Each country has its own specific requirements.

Consider indemnity insurance for your startup.

* 5th STEP: Get money
Most likely you will not start making money right away. What do you do till the cash starts flowing? And where can you get the upfront money your startup will need?

Keywords: little money ,Business starts,IDEA is original, borrowed, bought,new idea , opportunity,good place ,fitting name, name ideas, investors , lenders,legal and governmental,specific requirements,indemnity insurance ,making money .