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Thread: Adult content forum.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default Adult content forum.

    I'm confused in FAQ it says that child pornography and any underage content will be deleted...

    - Child Pornography and Racism: any underage content will be deleted, banned and reported.
    - Unlicensed Content: if your not licensed to redistribute or don't legally own it, don't post it.
    - Spam Content: don't unsolicited emails, post to newsgroups, instant messages, etc...
    but in the TOS, it says -

    Adult Content: does not support and will not host adult content. If any accounts are found to be in violation, they will be removed without notice.
    I have a forum which has an adult section and when i moved it to another site the whole thing got deleted a few months later. so im trying to re-locate the forum to a site where i dont have to worry about it getting deleted due to adult content. - also i could get rid of the adult content, but sometimes posters post porn in other sections, and other objectionable material.

    i always figured that if the actual image content was hosted elsewhere (imageshack/photobucket etc.) then a forum host isnt responsible for that, they merely have url links?

    if the free webhosting/forum hosting on this site doesnt accept adult material, then i'd appreciate it if someone could give me advice as to where i could find a site that offers such service (free and paid hosting).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    this might be useful for you


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