
Tag: jrf

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  1. Joint CSIR-UGC Test: Apply from Feb 10

    Started by sherlyk, 02-03-2014 06:42 AM
    award, council of scientific, csir, csir-ugc test, education news, hrdg website, industrial research, jrf, lecturers, net, online application, science, technology
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    • Views: 1,491
    Last Post: 02-03-2014 06:42 AM
    by sherlyk  Go to last post
  2. PhD January 2014 Admission at SERC

    Started by sherlyk, 09-26-2013 06:38 AM
    / nbhm, bachelor’s degree, biological, btech, chemical, csir, csir-serc, dbt, doctoral programmes, dst, education news, engineering, jrf, mathematical sciences, medicine, msc, pharmacy, phd, phd degree, physical, science, srf, technology, ugc
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,987
    Last Post: 09-26-2013 06:38 AM
    by sherlyk  Go to last post
  3. PhD 2014 admission at CECRI

    Started by sherlyk, 09-22-2013 06:36 AM
    acsir, admission, allowances, applications, b.s, bachelor’s degree, contingency, counseling, csir, dbt, dst, education news, engineering, interview, jrf, master’s degree, medicine, national level fellowship, nbhm, ph.d. programme, pharmacy, science, srf, technology, ugc
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,299
    Last Post: 09-22-2013 06:36 AM
    by sherlyk  Go to last post
  4. PhD at Bangalore Uty; Apply by April 10

    Started by sherlyk, 04-03-2013 07:37 AM
    bangalore university, buphet, degree of doctor, education news, gate, jrf, master’s degree course, mphil degree, net, phd, phd course, phd entrance test, philosophy, sbm nagarbhavi, slet, ugc-jrf
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,292
    Last Post: 04-03-2013 07:37 AM
    by sherlyk  Go to last post
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,604
    Last Post: 11-29-2012 05:59 AM
    by sherlyk  Go to last post
  5. PhD Feb-2012 at IIST

    Started by sherlyk, 11-11-2011 07:29 AM
    academic activities, academic records, administrative officer, aerospace engineering, applications, avionics, bachelor’s degree, boarding, candidates, chemistry, direct admission, director iist, e final interview, earth and space sciences, engineering, excellent academic record, fellowship, humanities, iist, iist phd programme, iist rules, iist website, indian citizen, interview, jrf, lodging, master’s degree, masters degree, mathematics, medical facilities, net qualified, objective questions, outstation candidates, phd programme, physics, r website, registration fee, research experience, results, scholars, technology, thiruvananthapuram., trivandrum, tuition, valiamala post
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,490
    Last Post: 11-11-2011 07:29 AM
    by sherlyk  Go to last post
  6. PhD at Indian Law Institute

    Started by sherlyk, 10-29-2011 02:23 PM
    admission committe, bhagwan dass road, demand draft, doctoral degree, ili, indian law institute, jrf, m. phil, master’s degree, new delhi, new delhi., phd, physically handicapped, programme in law, research, research plan, sc / st category, slet, teaching, the indian law institute, ugc net, university
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,874
    Last Post: 10-29-2011 02:23 PM
    by sherlyk  Go to last post
Results 1 to 7 of 7